Andrea N, NY
"From the moment we first chatted, Ilona created such a welcoming and safe space to open up in and dive into where my hesitancy and blocks are rooted from.
In just the first hour that we worked together, she was able to guide me in connecting what old beliefs I have been holding on to and bring awareness to how they affect my habits in daily life and business. What truly left an impact on me was how graceful you were in the moments of those connections and incorporated tools to work through them ."
Claire R, NV
" I have released more trauma in our sessions over the first 3months of coaching with Ilona, than through all my years in therapy combined"
Brandi V, NV
Wow wow wow wow!
I'm so grateful the gift of Ilona's coaching! Yesterday was beyond what I could have ever imagined. I absolutely appreciate the safe space she created for me and allowing me to release so much heaviness.
My biggest take away from just our first session was learning to forgive myself ! beliefs abt myself.
Azam T, Canada
"I was more than a little stuck before we started and my goals ranged widely from my health and wealth goals.
The specific results and changes that I have noticed about myself is that I am way less anxious because I have the tools now! Other results are that I have released over 30 pounds of weight in just about 4months!
I would say to someone considering coaching with Ilona to just do it, because transformation in multiple dimensions will happen when you show up for yourself and do the work."